I have been accused of being a “bah humbug” when it comes to Christmas decorations. That’s because I am usually counting down the days until all of them come down, including the tree.
While the first couple of weeks I really do enjoy the festive look of Christmas throughout my house, it begins to die out. Suddenly all I can think about is getting my house back to where it was. I miss my family pictures, currently being replaced by angels and snowmen. I miss seeing out the window, currently blocked by the Christmas tree.
Actually, I just prefer the comfort of “sameness.” Change is not something I embrace or do well with. So getting back to the normal look of my house is something I really look forward to.
In fact, you can bet that the very next day after Christmas, those decorations will be taken down. I have even been known in the past to start that process the very same day of Christmas. Bah humbug? Perhaps.
It has gotten me thinking that perhaps next year I need to put up the Christmas tree and decorations a couple of weeks before Christmas, instead of the day after Thanksgiving. That way I will enjoy the look up until Christmas and maybe won’t be in such a rush.
But then again, I think there is just something comfortable about the usual look that I miss. It feels good to walk into your house and immediately recognize it.
Maybe it’s just me. I know some people who will leave their decorations up until after New Year’s. In fact, some have even stretched it into February. I shudder to think.
What about you? Do you look forward to getting your house back to its usual look? Or do you so enjoy the Christmas decorations that you keep them up as long as you can?
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