I talked about Yogic Walking over in the Fitness blog a while back and this is a page that mothers and fathers with infants should really take a long look at the advice in this article. Walking is not only good for you as a parent with a baby, but it’s good for your baby too.
When my daughter was little, she used to love to look at the world around her. Whether she was riding in the stroller or snuggled up to me in a snuggie, going for a walk could calm a multitude of problems for both of us.
Baby Steps
Even before your baby can walk, they will appreciate the act of walking with you or riding around when you go out for your evening stroll. The combination of fresh air, exercise and new experiences are a great way to distract and entertain your baby.
I know one mom that goes a bit further than just walks with her baby. She takes her little one out for a jog every morning and then for an evening stroll along with dad in the evening. She swears by the routine. It keeps her calm and her baby even calmer. She says that her son sleeps better on his morning nap after her jog and he sleeps even better at night after the evening stroll.
As a parent, with an infant, the walking can help you keep your cool and when you are running on empty, sleep deprived and sometimes coping with a baby that cries – you need all the calm you can get.
Have you and your baby gone for a walk today?