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Wall Art For The Frugal Minded (1)

Browse the aisles at any store selling framed art and you’re liable to have a heart attack on the spot. Some pieces can be terribly costly, while other’s only a fraction, but still expensive. Sure, you can purchase the pictures or paintings without framing and save quite a bit of money doing it yourself, but there is an even easier and more frugal way to get some beautiful wall art and not break the bank doing it.

Found Pictures

Calendars, greeting cards, magazine photographs and other types of pictures can be framed and added to your walls for creative interest pieces. Purchasing frames from the dollar store is a great way to get inexpensive frames. Or you can try bargain shopping at antique stores, garage sales, and flea markets which can net you dozens of different styles and colors for a fraction of what it would cost elsewhere. All you need to do is find a frame in the size you are looking for. Measure the piece of art you wish to frame and if it’s too small, create a mat for it out of heavy cardstock or poster board. Frame and display.


Don’t think you have an ounce of creative talent? You might be surprised. Look around at colors that you are drawn to. Or take a good look at a color scheme you have in a room. Purchase paints and splatter, or stroke them onto a piece of canvas. You don’t even have to create pictures with the brush, just stroke here and there allowing the colors to mix and blend in a palette of beauty. The best part of creating on canvas is that there is no need to frame the piece unless you would like to. Add hanging hardware to the back of the canvas and hang in place on your walls. A piece of canvas can be found rather inexpensively at a craft store and you just created your own masterpiece.

Please check out the frugal living blog for more great articles on living a more frugal lifestyle!
Also be sure to watch for the second article in this series.

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Wall Art For The Frugal Minded (1)

Wall Art for The Frugal Minded (2)

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