In the summer of 2008, Disney and Pixar will be bringing us a new character to add to our collection of beloved favorites. From the creators of Woody and Buzz (Toy Story), Mike and Sully (Monsters Inc.) Dory and Nemo (Finding Nemo) and so many more – the next big Disney Pixar project is about a sad little robot named Wall-E.
The movie is scheduled for release June 27, 2008 (give or take a day) and tells the story of a little garbage robot who works on a sad, lonely planet packaging up garbage day after day. But after 700 years of doing the same thing, day in and day out – Wall-E dreams of something more – and this film will follow him on his adventure.
Pixar Takes on Robots
Pixar has given us a new way of looking at the monsters in the closet, the toys under the bed, the fish in the tank – even the genre of super heroes received an injection of love, affection and dare I say it – hero worship from a Pixar project. It seems only fitting that Pixar turn that charm on to the robots genre.
Robots are virtual, mechanical or artificial agents. They are often programmed to do menial labor or to go where mankind cannot and from Asimov to 20th Century Fox – the discovery of a robot’s soul is powerful filmmaking stuff. Do I think that they will make this journey with Wall-E? I don’t know, but a robot that spends 700 years packaging garbage, suddenly dreaming of something more – something greater or better – yeah, I think they are going to go there.
But that’s for next summer – coming up this Friday is Disney’s Ratatouille, the French rat who would be a French chef – bon appetit!
To check out Wall-E, here’s a teaser preview offered by Disney.