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Want Joy? You’ll Find it Here.

The psalms have been a great encouragement to many over the years and it’s not hard to see why. They speak to our experience of life.

In Psalm 86:1-2 David recognizes his need and prays to God. Straightaway we see that when we have a need we can pray to God.

What David wants in his life, which at times seems so hard, is joy, verses 3-4. We can know joy despite hardships, if we continue to trust in God as David did throughout it and recognize that God always has a plan and a purpose in it.

David knows he can rely on God’s goodness and mercy and His readiness to forgive, verse 5. So can we.

David is confident to pray because He is assured of God’s answer, verses 6-7. We can have that same confidence that God will not only hear but answer our prayers, 1 John 3:21-22.

David knows there is none like God, verses 8-10. We have only to look at the beauty of the world around us to see God’s hand.


David asks God to teach him, verse 11. Is it your prayer each day that God will teach you His ways? Are you walking in God’s truth or the ways of the world?

David gave thanks to God with all his heart, verse 12. Do you thank God and glorify His name by your words and actions? Do you praise him, as David did, for your deliverance?

David knew what he was up against- those who raged against him, verse 14. We can sometimes feel like that in today’s world that largely has turned its back on God.

David is confident of God’s mercy, that God is ‘gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth,’ verse 15. God has not changed. He is the same now as He was then.

Because he knows what God is like David is confident to ask God to save him and give him strength, verse 16. We can do the same in our current situation.

David asks God for a sign for good, verse 17. That day I really needed God’s wisdom and strength. I also asked God for a sign for good, which He graciously provided through His words and through other circumstances.

Why not take time now to read and meditate on this psalm and see what God reveals to you?

Bible verses from New American Standard Version

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