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Want To Save Yourself $800?

Okay, how can I save $800, you ask? Actually, you can save even more than that by becoming familiar with financial markets, retirement planning and more. One comprehensive evaluation with a financial planner, where he or she will sit down and evaluate your retirement goal, typically costs $800 to $2000. Hey, why not learn some financial planning on your own and turn it into a side business! Then, not only will you save money, you can make a little money as well.

How do you learn what to do in order to plan for your retirement appropriately? Do the research! Go to the library and read up on the subject. Take a class at the community college (these are typically far less than $800). Read up on the Internet – just be cautious which money advice you follow!

In addition, check out some of these past blogs for more specific advice on how to plan appropriately for your retirement:

*Tips for Retirement Planning – A list of things to evaluate yearly

*About to Retire? – If you are close to retirement, this is necessary read.

*Couple Retirement Planning – Couples need to join forces in their retirement plans

*Late Start on Retirement – Even if you are getting a late start on your retirement, you can follow these tips and still make it work.

*Retirement and Future Plans – Keep the future in your thoughts whenever you are making money decisions.

*Baby Boomers and Retirement – Whether you are part of the baby boomer generation or not, this powerhouse investment “group” will largely affect the financial markets when they all retire.

*Reverse Mortgages – Have you considered one of these to help you finance your retirement? Then check out this article.

*401(k) Panic – You have to look at your long range financial planning different from your short-term goals.