Experts say that the single best thing a person can do to avoid getting sick and stay healthy is to wash their hands. This time of year when it seems the sniffles are around every corner, we can put extra focus on hand-washing and teach our kids the proper way to wash their hands frequently in order to keep the germs at bay.
Washing hands correctly involves using warm water and soap. It doesn’t even have to be antibacterial soap–plain soap works just fine. It is the process of sudsing up and scrubbing the hands under the warm water that washes away the germs. I was taught that a person should wash their hands while singing “Happy Birthday to You”–this takes about 20 seconds and is the optimal length of time to wash. This is easy for kids to remember–soap, water, and “Happy Birthday.”
The average grown-up touches her eyes, nose, and mouth several hundred times a day–the perfect way to for germs to enter the body–so imagine how often a young child touches her eyes, nose and mouth each day…it is important to encourage kids to wash their hands often, not just after going to the bathroom.
As a rule, children should be encouraged to wash up upon entering the house after being outside, before eating or preparing food, if they’ve been exposed to someone who is sick, after petting a cat or dog (or other pet), if they’ve been playing with toys in a group or public place, and after going to the bathroom. Parents should also wash their hands often–especially before preparing food, after changing a diaper, after going to the bathroom, after cleaning a litter box or dealing with animal feces, and if you are coming in contact with other people.
Washing up frequently goes a long way in helping to keep everyone healthy!