I ran across an old article from 2005 about a new marijuana flavored candy. When I read the article I wondered what kind of responsible adult would not only come up with this stupid idea, but actually bring the product to market. Yes, a candy that has the taste of an illegal and addictive drug. I hoped that the product had quickly been removed from the market but an Internet search proved otherwise. As late as this past February, attempts were being made to remove the drug from stores. At that time a bill in Georgia had won approval from a legislative committee and was on its way to the House of Representatives for a vote. If the bill passes a $1,000 fine will be levied against anyone selling this so-called candy.
Other states have been attempting to keep it off the market since it was first introduced.
Called “chronic candy” or “pot suckers” the candy can be purchased as lollipops, gumdrops and in other forms. Although it looks like regular candy, opponents say it tastes like marijuana. The manufacturers of the candy says that the candy does not contain THC, which is the illegal substance found in marijuana, but their slogans can cause kids to think they are going to get the same effects of being high. Slogans like, “Every lick is like taking a hit.” Not to mention, the candy seems to promote and glorify drug use.
Now would be a good time to review your rules on drug use and to warn your kids about this candy. Although they won’t get high, they can become accustomed to the taste of marijuana and decide to move on to the real thing. Hopefully law makers across the country will continue to fight to make it illegal to sell this candy-coated drug. I’m all for free enterprise but it bothers me that so-called adults would exploit and potentially endanger our kids (by turning them on to the “real stuff”) just to make a quick buck.
See also:
When Usage Becomes Abusage: Recreational Drugs
Disturbing New Trend- Teens Drinking Bleach To Pass Drug Test