We may start out in our home businesses with big plans and optimistic ideas of how we expect things will go. As time passes, we might let some of those expectations go, or at least modify our expectations to meet reality. This can be a mode of survival, of course, but it can also be one of the ways we sell ourselves short and fall into a mediocre rut with our businesses. Periodically, it helps to take a look at our energy and motivation and find out if we are just barely surviving and just getting by–and if we need to jump start our enthusiasm and commitment.
How can you tell if you are “just getting by”? When was the last time you tried something new in your business? It doesn’t have to be a new product or service (although that is surely a way to be progressive and try to focus on growth), it can be changing the way you bill and invoice, going to a different networking meeting, re-evaluating your prices, setting new productivity goals, upgrading your service delivery, etc. If you have let yourself fall into a comfortable routine and are doing the same things every day with the exact same customers or clients, you are not focusing on building and growing your business. What can you do to shake things up?
Sure, change can be uncomfortable. But, so can letting your business slip into oblivion. The very nature of business is dynamic and while a little security and comfort can be good, you still need to watch out for getting too comfortable and letting survival take precedence over thriving. When was the last time you changed anything in your home business? When was the last time you tapped into those dreams and focused on not just getting by, but on really getting excited about moving things along?
Also: Plow Through or Ease Up?
Do You Know What You’re Hoping to Accomplish