If you aren’t careful, you may be hit with fees on everything from banking to pizza. Businesses are now charging fees for things that they once gave away for free. In many cases, these fees are hidden, and you might not be aware of that you are paying for them.
Delivery Fees
Did you happen to notice that your pizza now costs an extra bit to have it delivered. I’m not talking about the tip. Major chains are adding on a delivery fee now. One of our local (non-chain) pizza places is doing so, but in a different way. They are charing customers a higher price on pizzas that are being delivered than on the ones that are picked up or eaten in the restaurant, as much as $2 per pizza.
Airline Amenities
How about paying up to $100 more for things you used to get for free when you flew on a plane? There are now fees for seat selection, printing boarding passes, the use of a blanket or a headset, buying your ticket over the phone, and more. Make sure you knew what these fees are or you may wind up paying more than you thought for that flight!
College Fees
As if the cost of college weren’t enough, now there are new fees for things that were once free, such as parking, health services, using the campus gym or even using the library. Many of these fees are automatically added to the cost of the tuition. You can ask to have some of the fees waived if you aren’t going to use the services. They won’t always say yes, but it is worth a try.
Banking Fees
Banks are getting very creative with their fees these days. Even non-interest checking accounts carry fees now. Expect to be paying an average of about $5.00 a month in miscellaneous fees in order to keep a bank account. If you use an ATM, cash checks or don’t maintain a high minimum balance, the cost of all of your fees can surge.
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