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Watch Out for the Downward Spiral

We all have bad days now and again in our home businesses. Most of the time, it is just a bump in the road and we have bounced back by the next day (if not later that same day of within the week.) Sometimes, however, elements and problems can combine and we can let our emotions and self-esteem get in the mix and we end up on a downward spiral that sends our business operations into a tailspin.

I cannot help but believe that emotions, attitude and reaction play a big part in our business resiliency. If we let ourselves get bogged down with regret, doubts, and other negative responses to a business bump that is how we can end up in a spinning, downward spiral that is increasingly difficult to get out of.

Coming up with some coping skills to help keep yourself from getting into “doomsday” thinking or making a bigger deal out of a business blunder or difficulty than need be are good ways to keep from spiraling downward. I find that if I remind myself that everything is temporary and that I will come back to the problem on another day (generally after it has dissipated or I have a fresh perspective), I can keep from letting things get out of control. When in doubt, taking a break and putting things to the side—even if it seems like something huge and horrible—can help keep from letting my emotions and attitude make things worse.

Additionally, getting help early instead of waiting until it is a HUGE problem is a good coping strategy. It is better to get outside help and perspective at the early stages of a problem or business difficulty than to struggle and get increasingly stressed and upset. Often, getting a little outside help is all you need to get things back on track.

Also: Appreciate the Challenge

Taming Those Physical Responses