Do you constantly have to remind your child of the daily schedule? Do you make agreements, like “Fifteen more minutes of TV,” and then deal with a horrible tantrum when the time is up? Does your child need help staying on track with homework? Would you like to help your son or daughter develop a sense of independence and responsibility?
Everybody Get In Sync!
I recently heard about a private school that was instilling personal accountability and time management in their students. What they did was issue a particular style of wristwatch to each and every child from age four to twelve. Besides showing the time of day, these digital watches have a simple countdown timer with numbers displayed across the top of the watch face. By pressing a button on the side of the watch once, twice, three, or four times, even the youngest students could set a timer for one, three, five, ten, fifteen, or thirty minutes. The timer then counts down, and beeps when the time is up. They are extremely easy to use.
By using these watches, the students were able to manage their own study time, “time outs,” recess, and appointments. If the teacher said, “You have ten minutes to choose a book for reading time,” the students would press the buttons on their watches enough times to highlight the “10” minute timer, which would immediately begin to count down. They then knew, without reminders, when time was running out and they needed to hurry up. The kids also used the watches for timed readings or tests, individual “time outs” for discipline, and other ways to manage their individual schedules. For this private school, the watches were a huge success.
“Mommy, I’m a Micro-Manager!”
I’ve found these Casio watches online for $20.00. Here’s the link: (There are other styles, and you might find similar ones elsewhere.) I think they could be a very effective tool for parenting any child, but especially kids who need additional structure, like those with ADHD, diabetes, and even autism. Think of all the uses: You could let your child play on the park equipment while you watch from a bench, and instruct, “Meet me back here in 30 minutes.” You could send the child to the naughty stool and have her set her own timer and watch it count down, rather than have her repeatedly ask if her time is up. You could have your son set his 20 minute timer for his home reading assignment. You could let older children venture off together at the mall, knowing they will be reminded when to reconnect. A child with diabetes could develop a sense of independence at an earlier age by setting his own glucose testing schedule.
What does “ten minutes” feel like?
A watch with a countdown timer can help your child learn what certain time increments “feel” like. There’s a difference between 30 minutes and 1 minute, but some children have difficulty differentiating. And by periodically observing the time counting down, your son or daughter is less likely to tantrum or feel annoyed by what previously seemed like your random declarations that the “Time’s up!” The watches make the child feel like he’s the one in charge.
If your kid needs a little extra help in the time management department, an easy-to-use digital wristwatch could be well worth the investment.
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Kristyn Crow is the author of this blog. Visit her website by clicking here.
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