Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when estrogen levels are no longer produced. With this, all types of symptoms arise, which vary from one woman to another woman. If this sounds familiar, you probably feel frustrated. Unlike other conditions, with menopause, you are treating a number of symptoms, not just one. For this reason, it is common to take more than one prescription, herbal remedy, or form of therapy. One symptom often overlooked is water retention.
With fluid retention, there is usually some type of weakness in the kidneys, adrenals, circulatory system, or even the heart but when it comes to menopause and water retention, the problem is usually nothing serious. Generally, the kidneys simply become tired from working so hard, thus the water retention. Treating menopause and water retention is usually as simple as keeping your intake of fluids to no more than a quart or liter a day. Although we are all told to drink more water, when going through menopause, this might not be the right choice
Often, a women going through menopause and having to deal with water retention will turn to diuretics. Although this is one solution, the problem is that diuretics zap essential potassium from the body. With this, additionally problems associated with osteoporosis can develop. For this reason, we suggest you consider natural remedies first, to include things such as Uva Ursi, Juniper, Parsley, Astragalus, Dong Quai, Dandelion, Nettle, Vitamin C, or Vitamin B6. Now, just remember that while an adequate dose of Vitamin C is good for the body, too much can stress the kidneys, making water retention worse in the future.
Take dandelion as an example for treating water retention. With this, you would take just 10 to 20 drops. In addition, dandelion can be used over an extended period without any ill effects. In addition to helping with the water retention, dandelion nourishes and tones the kidneys, adrenals, and liver. Another benefit of dandelion is that it increases digestibility. Another option is called Dong Quai. While this is not effective for water retention associated with menopause, when taken long-term, it does provide relief from bloating. Dong Quai also inhibits the growth of many forms of bacteria.
Just as some herbal remedies can help provide you relief from menopause water retention, common foods work too. For instance, corn, corn silk tea, asparagus, cucumber, watermelon, and grapes, all work quite well for water retention. Other beneficial foods and drinks include tea, coffee, parsley, black tea, and celery although these should be limited. One of the best ways to fight water retention is to cut down on the intake of salt or salty foods. Finally, try certain essential oils such as geranium, juniper, lavender, rosemary, and cypress.