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Water, Water: Enjoying a Wet Spring


I live in the Pacific Northwest. This time of year, we’re a little sick of wet and we’re looking forward to the summer time! If it’s wet where you are and you’re getting tired of staying indoors, here are some ideas to help you enjoy a wet spring.

Become A Model

You don’t need to walk down the runway to be a model for your kids. Your children learn from what you do, so get out and explore, even if the weather seems grim! Having a special adult who loves being outside is more important than anything.

Get Out!

Although the weather might seem frightful, it’s not nearly as rainy as you might think. Honestly! You look out the window and you see a grey, rainy day. Get outside and you’ll see that it’s only drizzling, even though it looks dire from indoors. Once you’re outside, you’ll find that time spent outdoors brightens your mood, even if it is raining a little.

Get Good Gear

Of course, you want to dress well for the weather. Layers are key. Dress for the all of the wonderful weirdness of spring. A light sweater under a rain jacket is ideal. Don’t forget the rain pants! These eliminate the need for umbrellas, and they make it easier to jump in puddles without getting wet. Good boots make for warm feet: neoprene boots are excellent for rain.

Make a plan for what to do with your gear once it comes back into the house. It will be wet! Create a drying area in your coat closet if you have one, and designate a little bit of the entrance as the mud room, an area that can get damp and muddy.

Simple Fun When It’s Raining

Crash rocks and pebbles into puddles.

Go for a misty forest walk. The trails will be nice and muddy, and the forest will look green and cloudy. It’s fun to walk in a cloud!

Go visit a creek when it’s been raining for a few days. Stand safely away from its banks, and listen to the sound of the creek. Feel the vibrations of the creek as rocks crash down. This is the true meaning of awesome!

Jump in the mud. Feel how squelchy it is. Get your boot stuck.

Make a mud kitchen. Take out some old kitchen tools and dig around in some good, clean mud. Make mud pies and cakes!

Image Credit: FlorinN