Weddings are very special events for couples. During a wedding, a couple unites as one before God, family, and friends. During the ceremony, the couple may choose to show their love and unite in many different ways. Below I have listed some of the most common traditions that couples use to unite together as one.
Promise of Vows
It is American tradition for a couple to exchange vows at a wedding. The couple may choose to write their own vows or to use the traditional vows.
Exchange of Rings
Each partner in the couple purchases a ring for the other. The round ring symbolizes a never-ending bond and love. Vows accompany the exchange of rings.
Seal of the kiss
It is also American tradition for a couple to seal their marriage with a kiss at the end of the ceremony.
Unity Candle
This is a more optional part of a wedding ceremony. The couple may choose to have their parents each light on candle before the wedding. During the wedding the couple with take the two lit candles and light one candle together. The two original candles are blown out. This symbolizes becoming one together.
Pouring of the sand
This is newer practice that can be seen at some weddings. The concept is basically the same as that of the unity candle. During the pouring of the sand, the couple takes two containers of two different colors of sand. The couple then pours the two colors of sand into the same container. The preacher usually reads a passage about how the two colors and grains of sand can now never again be separated just as the couple’s love can now never again be separated.
Finding a way to profess their love and unite together before the world is very important to some couples. Other couples are happy with a very simple and private uniting.