Prior to my current job, I was a freelance writer. That required a lot of research and typing, which required a lot of sitting. Now, I am a web designer. That requires a lot of coding and photo manipulation, which requires a lot of sitting.
I think about how they say people on airplanes should get up and walk around because sitting for so long isn’t good for you. A study recently found that too much sitting can increase your risks of breast and colon cancer, thus taking years off your life.
How can you stay active, even if your job isn’t? Here are a few tips for people like me who need to move throughout the day:
Park then Walk
If you are like the people I work with, they think the closer you park, the better. But, you can get a good start to your day by parking a bit further away than normal and walking into work. It also helps you wake up – something I desperately need most mornings!
Walk the Stairs
This is easier for some than others. Unfortunately, I work on the 7th floor of a secured building, so I can’t even walk up 3 floors then ride the other four. I once tried to walk the seven flights of stairs once, but I just ended up dreading going to work day. But, for those that work on a more reasonable floor level, this is an excellent idea.
Get Out at Lunch
This is something I could do. I work next to a building that only has three floors, so I could get out at lunch and just walk the stairs over there. It is easy to fall into the “But, I really don’t have time routine,” but then I realize my health is worth it, so I need to start moving at lunch.
Sit Up Straight
I do tend to slouch at work, but something I’ve seen recently is sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair to make you sit up straight. It also helps work your abs and that is never a bad thing. If you can’t bring an exercise ball to work, just take a break once an hour or so and lift your legs out straight and hold them for as long as you can.