I’m in my third week of having a workout plan. It has been a great gift to myself because I have less stress, less headaches and more energy. And one of the best things about it is that other than having to purchase a couple of extra jog bras, I have spent zero dollars. Here is how.
First, I take advantage of the weather and my local environment. Write outside my door is a neighborhood road that goes up and down hills. It is the perfect vehicle for interval training because there are periods of intensity and rest. Furthermore, I can alter my workout by varying the speed, whether I walk or jog, and how far I go. If I get tired of going up and down hills, there are local tracks to use, from the one at the park to the one at the high school.
Good weather can’t last forever, though. And while I have been fortunate that it has only been raining during the morning on every fourth day (my day of rest, coincidentally), I know that I need a back up plan. Fortunately, I was able to score a great, almost new elliptical machine for free from Freecycle! Although I haven’t seriously tried it out yet, I just can’t wait.
If I get bored with either the elliptical or the outdoors, I have several other options. I can dust off the old workout tapes. If you don’t have any of these, you can score some for very little money at a thrift store. If you don’t mind VHS copies, you may even get them for free.
If you have cable, check out your local “On Demand” channel. There are usually workouts that you can watch any time you like, from yoga to high intensity sculpting.
One thing I admit that I have been desiring is a set of weights, so I can start sculpting and find out where my arm muscles have gotten. I plan on checking out the deals at local stores, such as Target, and scouting out for used ones on Freecycle and the thrift stores. Meanwhile, a couple of gallon-sized milk containers will do nicely, for free.
Other free options include: my generous neighbor’s pool (and I get to spend girl time with her), playing tag with my kids (always fun) and yard and house work (not so fun, but I try to look at it as still burning calories).
What free workout ideas can you share?
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