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We All Parent Differently

Every single one of us parents differently. I think we all know that but we are still so quick to judge other Mom’s for the way they do things. I’m not talking about major things like letting kids ride in cars without seatbelts or play in the street, I’m talking about just the little every day things.

Before Hailey was born I was sure that everyone else was doing it wrong and my child would never misbehave, and then she was born. I quickly learned that I needed to pick my battles or everything would become a battle.

I see children all the time with dirty faces, mismatched clothes, one shoe on, one shoe off, sticking their tongues out at their mothers. There was a time I would have judged those mothers, I mean really, how hard is it to dress your child in clothes that match and wash their faces? Don’t even get me started on how disrespectful it is to stick your tongue out at your mother!

Thankfully those days are behind me, now I just smile at those moms and their babies. I found that I’m a silly mom, I don’t like to take things too seriously, I was the mom who always told my daughter I was going to sell her to gypsy’s for beer money. Well, I didn’t know any gypsy’s and I didn’t drink beer. Also after she called my name for the ten millionth time I would say, “Little girl, go find your real parents.” That will get you a look or two in the grocery store but that’s our sense of humor and Hailey knew when she was walking a thin line without me having to get stern with her, she knew my limits and these little jokes helped her respect them without feeling like she was being scolded.

I’m inappropriate, I’ve told my daughter a few poop jokes in my time, and she laughed like a baby hyena. But she also understood there was a time and place for everything. Except fashion. Hailey was a fashion train wreck and loved every minute of it. I was horrified when she decided that I could no longer pick out her clothes. Especially when I saw what she picked out. Remember Punky Brewster? Hailey made her look well put together.

I remember once taking her to daycare, in August, wearing plaid shorts, a striped shirt, a pink polka dotted raincoat and black snow boats with fur that were three sizes too big. Her cousin gave those boots to her and she called them her sheriff boots and wore them every day for months.

Especially when you are a single mom, you have to pick your battles. If Hailey wants to wear snow boots in August, so be it. If she wears her nightgown to school every day for a week, oh well, it’s not worth the fight. So the next time you see that Mom with the crazy mismatched kids, remember, she may be a single mom, picking her battles. Also, remember to smile at her, it’s not always easy being a Mommy, but it is always rewarding.