I remember eating lunch with a friend one time and I ordered a salad. Whether or not I am on a health kick, I always enjoy a good salad. I asked for extra dressing and while I didn’t exactly drown my salad, I had a healthy portion of it covering my greens.
My friend made the comment that it did no good to have a salad if I was going to pour all that dressing on top of it. Well, I begged to differ. Wasn’t a salad with lots of dressing better than the juicy, bacon-laden, dripping with cheeseburger and accompanying fattening fries that I could have gotten?
Can I tell you that this kind of stuff really bugs me? Do you know why? With everything, yes, we could always do better. But the idea of dismissing what I was eating just doesn’t sit well.
In my attempt to lose weight and get healthier I could go all out at one time and drastically change my diet. But the truth is that isn’t realistic and I stand a greater chance at being unsuccessful if I do that. I think making small changes are better.
Compromising a burger for dressing, in my humble opinion, is a much better choice. Just like using my Wii Fit Plus is better than doing nothing at all, even though someone recently said to me that they can’t believe a video game would help you to lose weight.
I can’t emphasize enough how quickly we will fall off the fitness bandwagon if we jump into it trying to make drastic and unrealistic changes to our diet and fitness routine. Drastic changes typically don’t work for people. So you start small and you work your way up.
Yes, we can always do better. We can always make a better choice, choose a better way and find a better plan. But let’s at least start with something.
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