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We Cannot Control What Others Do

I know that I often write here in the Home Business blog about how we can strive to improve our relationships with our clients and customers, and we also talk about ways to improve sales and communication skills. I also think it is important, however, to point out that while we can do our best to work with other people, we really cannot control what anybody else does.

We really can just do our best and focus on what we can do and how we can improve our own skills, but we are not going to be able to force or control what a prospect or another individual does. Even if we are the most amazing sales people in the world, and we put tons of energy into trying to give a customer or client the most individualized care and attention, we just cannot control what they do or how they respond to what we have to offer. We cannot MAKE them do what we want them to no matter how skilled and attentive we are.

Thinking that you are going to be able to steer and direct other people is really a set-up for disappointment and controlling behaviors. Instead, we can simply do our best and make every effort to improve our communication and business operations, and then allow for the reality that others are going to make their own decisions and do what they will do. If you get to focused on trying to force things, you may come off as manipulative and pushy (the “caricature” of the pushy salesperson). Remember that customers, clients, vendors, etc. are individuals who will make their own decisions and focus on what you can do with your self–after all, our own actions, efforts, and outreach is all we really do have any control over.

Also: Examining Control Issues

Try to Exceed Expectations