Good morning, I know you’re busy and you’ve probably got a dozen things to do and you’ve only got about five hours or so until lunch – I’m not going to mention breakfast because that’s likely a cup of coffee or glass of water that you sip now and again when you have half a second between your little one’s feedings, getting something out for dinner and doing another load of the unending laundry pile.
Whether You Work or Not….
….you, the mom, are the head of your family. You are the one in charge of raising the children, cleaning the house, shopping for groceries and more. A recent survey found that over 59% of moms, whether they work outside the home or not, are getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night. Too often they are up late catching up on household chores, laundry or work – for some moms, the late hours are the only bits of downtime they get to themselves and when it comes to having an infant, those few hours can be interrupted as well.
So it’s time to put on our thinking caps and adjust the way we think about who we are and what we’re doing. Because we put in so many hours, because we’re always on the go and because as moms we tend to be detail oriented and because we are – when we get run down or sick – we get really sick and it becomes really difficult for us to keep up the mad cap pace we are used to performing at.
Take a Breather
It’s important for moms to learn to pace themselves and the best time for you to learn how to do this is when your baby is young because while some of the neediness decreases as they get older, the simple truth of the matter is that the needs of our children change – and we get used to being on call, they don’t just decrease.
So if having a quiet few minutes to yourself to eat breakfast means letting your toddler watch the television, let them watch television for a little while. If getting in the phone calls you need to make means the laundry has to wait a few more minutes, let it wait. If you need a nap and that means that you won’t get to the dishes –t rust me, they’ll be there when you get back.
Moms – you need to take care of you and you don’t have to be June Cleaver with the perfect house. It’s not wrong for you to ask for help and it’s definitely not wrong for you to give yourself a break. You need to take care of you so that you can take care of your little one and keep your sanity at the same time. So moms – interrupt your regularly scheduled program and take a few more mom moments today – you and your little ones will be happier for it.
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