We Teach is a forum for “anyone and everyone who teaches–no matter the classroom”. The We Teach group bursts with tools, resources and ideas from parents, teachers, homeschoolers, or anyone who is interested in providing quality education to children. As of this month the site has been live for one full year. Happy Anniversary to We Teach! It has been a successful year so far with over 1000 members and growing daily. We Teach was founded by the original Teach Mama, Amy. She has worked hard to create a forum centered entirely on sharing educational ideas to strengthen all members and their individual classrooms or homes. Having been a part of We Teach from the beginning and moderating the homeschool board, I am proud to recommend this site to homeschoolers, teachers, and parents. This is a place where teachers and homeschoolers truly unite and form a bond of friendship and respect. The sweet spirit of the group will keep you coming back for more ideas and support.
So who are the wonderful members of We Teach? This was in an email We Teach sent to members that I would love to share with you:
*full-time classroom teachers (24%); previously full-time classroom teachers (39.6%); full-time homeschooling parents (17.6%); teaching our own children every day (52%); non-teachers, student teachers, tutors, and part-time teachers;
*lawyers, doctors, writers, nurses, software engineers, technology trainers, cleaners, accountants, art therapists, actors, bankers, microbiologists, and more;
*checking into we teach at least once/ week (34%) but many are checking in 3-5 x’s/ week (28.4%)
*coming to the forum for ideas to use with our own children (55.6%) and for our classrooms (30%), and some are coming to make friends and build blog and business followings;
*over 75% of us like the ideas here, but 56% want to see MORE ideas and 49% wanted to see MORE resources–so let’s keep ’em coming!
*there was a surprising number who wanted to see vlogs, tutorials, interaction with experts, and webinars on the forum, so we’ll reach for that, too!
Isn’t that amazing? I have been around the internet block for the past six years or so and part of many groups throughout those years. What I love about We Teach is the cooperation, the support, the creative ideas, and the respect shown by all the participants. In the internet world it can be hard to find a forum devoid of tantrums, arguments, and disagreements. So when the drama gets to be too much head on over to We Teach for a soft place to land and real support, tips and helps.