If you are interested in teaching your kids more about money you should visit www.kids.gov, and go to the section on money. The site is actually a list of different sites, which are focused on the subject of money. You should check out the sites and make sure that the teachings agree with what you want your children to learn about money and money management. While the site does recommend the different sites, it does not take responsibility for what is posted on them, so it is important to review them with your child.
The site lists are divided into different categories. The first category is government sites. You can learn about what the FDIC does. You can also learn how money is made, and designed. You can learn about collecting coins, and the history of money. Teens can learn about opening their own businesses, and the different paperwork involved. There is site about taxes as well. You can also learn more about the Treasury Department. If your child needs to do a report in history or civics, these sites are excellent sources.
The other sites listed are run by organizations, are educational or commercial. These sites deal mainly with learning how to manage money. There are several sites, which have games that teach the importance of saving money. There is a site that explains how to invest. There are several programs available that teach basic money management skills through a series of interactive lessons. These sites are excellent supplements to what you are doing to teach your children about money.
These sites can all be excellent resources to use in teaching your children about money. The best thing you can do is to teach by example, and to be ready to explain to your children about the different aspects of managing your money. If you have questions about investing or money management, you should show your kids how you research out the answers and make your decisions.