Not all marriages are meant to be. Those that discover this before marriage are the lucky ones. While it may seem devastating and even embarrassing at the time, there are reasons that couples should be thankful for engagement break-ups and wedding cancellations.
In one of the forum threads a lady comments that her son recently broke off his engagement. She questions how she should handle the situation.
Engagement break-ups can be tricky. There are many factors to consider when determining what the next step should be.
If a wedding is not underway, then the break-up can be fairly simple. The couple goes their separate ways and may or may not get back together.
If a wedding is in the plans, cancellations should be done quickly. I deposits cannot be returned, it seems fair that either both partners share the cost or the person who cancels the wedding take on the responsibility.
If invitations have been sent already, it is a good idea to print out a wedding cancellation note to send out to those who had received invitations.
The couple must also consider what to do if gifts have been given. In some cases, couples try to send back gifts to who they came from. However if this cannot be done, it is appropriate that when and if another marriage is to occur, a second wedding shower should not occur (especially with the same people invited).
IF the wedding is simply being postponed, there is no need to send gifts back. However another shower should not be given for the couple.
Cancelling a wedding can be a very emotional and stressful occurrence to undergo. However it is much better than going through a divorce later in life after the two of you have established a home and possibly even children.