I recently saw a very clever way of using those leftover scraps that I loved. It involved rolling up strips of paper, and then putting them on the layout in a tube-like shape. The scrapper did a line of all different, colorful rolls of paper in a row against a white background. The effect was beautiful! Here is a link to the finished project if you are anything like me and need a visual. This was instantly one of my favorite layouts and went right into my favorites folder.
I find that it is called scrapbooking for a reason. We use scraps. And, for this challenge, that is exactly what we are going to do. The only rule is, you have to create a layout that is made up entirely of scraps of paper. No cheating on this one. You cannot cut a new piece of paper into scraps. I am talking about your leftover stash of papers.
When I am working on a layout, I find that I use mostly scraps. I organize them by size, (small and large patterned scraps), and I also have a solid color scrap pile. I frequently work out of those. When I love a paper, I don’t want to use all of it on one layout. I have been known to stretch my favorite papers across 20 layouts. Seriously. The way I do this is usually by using just small piece on a layout. For example, try these tips for using your scraps:
*Keep it simple-Don’t over think the layout too much. Try picking 3 scraps of paper that you love, cut them to equal lengths, overlapping them slightly and then place a photo next to them. This will be a simple look that still adds color to that page.
*Create a border around a photo with very thin scraps of your favorite paper
*Roll the paper up like mentioned above, and make a flower by touching the ends of all the rolls together in a circular pattern
*Use 2 pieces of larger scraps to put behind the photos, layering them. Accent the rest of your page with ribbon, and other embellishments
So, this week, dig into that scrap pile. Use only scraps, and see what you can make that is beautiful.
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