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Week 21 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 21st week of pregnancy! By now, you are starting to get to know your doctor fairly well and have seen them several times already. Don’t be afraid to call in with questions or concerns if they pop up- rest assured that they have heard just about everything under the sun. So there is no stupid question. Hearing that everything is OK will put your mind at rest and make you feel better about the situation.

What you may be experiencing

By now, you should have a bit of a tummy bump. Your doctor will likely measure it at every visit now to check on your little ones growth. If your measurements are large or small, they may schedule an ultrasound to rule out multiple pregnancy or other issues. If this isn’t your first baby, you may be quite large at this point. Be on the lookout for movement in the weeks ahead if you haven’t already begun to feel flutters.

Your Baby

Your little one is now a mover and a shaker! They are busy wiggling away in there, and you may begin to feel their stirrings. They have plenty or room to move around in right now, so don’t be surprised if you feel taps and kicks in multiple places. You may also begin to notice that your little one sleeps and wakes in cycles. They will become more predictable in the months ahead. Most are active during the evening hours- just when you are trying to get some much needed sleep. He/she has begun to put on fat which will help them keep a stable body temperature when they enter the world.

Concerns or Points of Interest

How are you planning on feeding your baby? Choosing to breastfeed is a personal choice, so don’t feel pressured by friends or family members. There is evidence to suggest that breastfed babies are sick less and have less food allergies than their formula fed counterparts. Make sure to factor in your own lifestyle, and feelings on the subject. If you plan to go back to work after the baby is born, you will have to either express milk or switch to formula- so keep that in mind as well.

No matter what method you choose, you can still include bottle feedings in your daily regimen. By either offering expressed milk or formula, you can give others the opportunity to bond with baby- and get some rest at the same time!