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Week 26 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 26th week of pregnancy! As your stomach continues to swell and you begin to feel your baby more, the reality of pregnancy begins to set in. How you handle it, depends on your own personality and feelings about the pregnancy. Maybe you kick the nursery plans in high gear, or speed a lot of time thinking about the upcoming labor and following days caring for a newborn. However you prepare, don’t forget to include family members and partners in the planning process. Chances are they are equally nervous/excited, and will welcome someone to talk to!

What you may be experiencing

Sleeping has become increasingly difficult, and will remain so for quite sometime. Your abdomen is now swollen, and you may have difficulties finding a comfortable spot at night. Throw in a few impromptu trips to the bathroom, and you may wake in the morning feeling like you barely slept at all. If you are having trouble settling at night, try some of the things that worked when you were smaller. A warm bath, a glass of milk or cocoa, and maybe a bit of light reading may do the trick. Once your little one comes, sleep will again become a precious commodity- so get as much as you can now!

Your Baby

Think you may have an acrobatic or an octopus in your belly? You are not alone. Your baby is peaking as far as activity is concerned, and you may be amazed at how much they get around in the weeks ahead. They weigh around two pounds now, so they can pack quite a punch. They may be all over the place, and appear to not get much sleep. This is normal, and as space becomes constricted in the following months, your baby will settle down a bit. Your own activity level may play a part in your baby’s daily activities. If you are on the run, your little one may be rocked to sleep, and suddenly become very active when you settle in for the night. Your baby can hear very well right now, and may actually be startled by loud noises or soothed by the sound of your voice, so don’t be afraid to talk to your little one.

Concerns or Points of Interest

Many moms-to-be try to squeeze in a quick vacation before the baby comes, and for good reason. Chances are that long flights will be out of the question when your little one is small, so a weekend getaway pre-baby could be a good idea. It is a great way to de-stress and reconnect with your partner before parenthood begins. It is important to discuss any travel plans with your doctor, however. If you are high risk, you may not have the opportunity to get away because they want you near a hospital incase pre-term labor hits. Whether you are traveling by plane or car, it is important to take frequent potty and stretch breaks. Take along low-fat snacks to keep yourself satisfied, if you aren’t sure when your next meal will occur.