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Week 28 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 28th week of pregnancy! Whether the weeks seem to be crawling or flying by, you will be a mommy in no time. With that comes a great many joys and responsibilities, so spend a little bit of time pampering yourself. Consider getting a manicure or pedicure to brighten up your mood. While you may not be able to see your toes- you will know that they look fabulous!

What you may be experiencing

Now is the time to start thinking about pre-term labor, though most moms don’t really want to think about it too much. Luckily, if you do start to experience some symptoms there is a lot that can be done medically to stop pre-term labor. In the off chance that you do end up delivering, your little one has a high likelihood of making it through with just a little bit of medical intervention. Look for the following pre-term signs:

Back pain or menstrual cramping that seems to come and go
If you are experiencing contractions 4-5 times an hour, and water and lying down doesn’t help
Leakage of fluid
Discharge that seems abnormal- different color or smell
Vaginal bleeding
Pelvic pressure
Pain when you urinate
Fever or a headache that won’t go away
Pain in your upper abdomen
Swelling in your face or limbs

Your Baby

This week your baby may open their eyes for the first time! While they still have little to look at in the womb, they are practicing blinking and showing off their new set of eyelashes. His/her skin may also start to look wrinkled due to the constant amniotic fluid bath. Overall, they are busy at work packing on the pounds in preparation for their birthday.

Concerns or Points of Interest

Has your doctor mentioned the possibility of a cesarean section? If so, don’t panic. One in four pregnant women will have a c-section, so it is a fairly common procedure. While it is major surgery, it can be a life saving procedure for both mom and baby. The most common reasons for such a surgery are: previous c-section, non-progressive labor, breech presentation, fetal distress, and larger than average baby.

All moms should be prepared for the likelihood of a c-section, and research the procedure beforehand. Even the best laid plans can fall to the wayside if labor fails to progress or the baby shows signs of distress.