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Week 33 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 33rd week of pregnancy! As if time couldn’t go any slower, you are stuck with a bout of insomnia. Suddenly, you find yourself up all night worrying about all kinds of random things. Do your best to find a good sleep position, and get as much shut eye as possible. Once the baby comes, you will have plenty of late night thinking time.

What you may be experiencing

Foot and leg cramps may add on to your discomfort this week. While they are likely to occur at night, they can happen at any time. Try to following to lessen the discomfort.

Exercise- try to walk around the block after meals or before bedtime.
Change positions; don’t stay in one place for too long.
Increase your calcium intake by drinking more milk or by taking supplements.
Flex away the cramp and apply pressure to the affected muscle

Your Baby

Your baby weighs about four and a half pounds now, and will continue to put on weight until their birthday. They are about 40 cm from crown to rump, and fill up most of the uterus. If you notice rhythmic movements across your belly don’t be alarmed, your little one could just have a case of hiccups. They aren’t uncomfortable like they are for you or me, so just enjoy the show.

Concerns or Points of Interest

The word breech can be a scary word for any mom at this stage, but doesn’t necessarily mean that you will need a c-section. Breech position means that your baby would come out bottom first, as opposed to head first. Most babies settle into a head down position, sometime before the 36th week, though it is possible even later. So if your baby is breech right now, there is still a good chance that they could turn in the remaining weeks. Your doctor will likely monitor you weekly from here on out to see if the baby has indeed turned.