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Week 34 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 34th week of pregnancy! With labor looming, you are probably getting nervous about the big day. You may wonder about the pain, and the health of your baby. Will you deliver quickly or will you be in labor for quite some time? All of these concerns are a natural part of having a baby. Try not to stress about it however- studies show that such stress can actually make labor worse!

What you may be experiencing

Now is the time to start mentally preparing for labor and delivery. Pack your hospital bag, and make sure to include soothing items that will help you focus on the task at hand. This could include music, a few books, and even a picture of your ultrasound or other kiddos. Anything that will help you focus on the end result- your beautiful baby! If your partner is planning to coach you, don’t forget to include snacks and soothing items for them as well. Tip: A large tube sock filled with rice makes a great impromptu heating bad for sore, aching backs.

Your Baby

Your baby weighs in at almost 5 lbs now! Space is limited, so the kicks and punches have likely given way to wiggles and squirms. Your baby is surrounded by almost a pint of amniotic fluid, which helps cushion your little one. What is even more amazing is that the amniotic fluid completely replenishes itself every three hours.

Concerns or Points of Interest

There are many different ideas on relaxing during labor, and it is important to do your research. Here are some the most common methods- discuss them with your doctor to find out which one is right for you and your baby.

Visualize your labor. Imagine yourself giving birth, with your baby in the right position for birth. With each contraction, your baby will be closer to being in your arms.
Massage- having a partner or doula massage you during your labor may help you overcome pain and anxiety.
Breathing- taking deep breathes may help you overcome pain and fear.
Water- consider using warm water or a shower to help ease the pain of labor.