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Week 35 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 35th week of pregnancy! Pretty soon you will get to meet the son or daughter that you have been looking forward to the past few months or even years. Now, is the time to tie up all the loose ends and prepare your home and family for the arrival of a little one.

What you may be experiencing

Emotionally, it is normal to have fears and wonders about how the baby will fit in with your life. If you have other children, you may worry about how they will get along and fit together. If this is your first, you wonder how your day to day life will change and how you will cope with the new responsibilities that come with raising a child. Spend these next few weeks doing an emotional inventory of your thoughts and fears. You have likely made many decisions already, and there are many yet to come.

Double check to make sure your hospital bag is packed, and stock up on diapers and baby clothes if you haven’t done so already.

If you plan to create a birthing plan- now would be a good time to do so. Write down the things that you would like to see happen in the delivery room, but be flexible. Nothing is ever perfect, so you may have to make some compromises for the safety of both you and your baby.

Your Baby

Your little one can weigh in at around 5 pounds or as much as seven, and will likely put on about a half a pound a week up until delivery. Since your baby has likely settled into a certain pattern, your doctor may ask you to do kick counts to test the well being of your baby. They will instruct you on how to do kick counts, and if you notice anything out of the ordinary let your doctor know immediately. If you are high risk, your doctor may ask that you do a non-stress test to check on the baby’s activity and heart rate.