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Week 37 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 37th week of pregnancy! You are now considered full term and can safely deliver your baby at any time now. While many may still have their due date circled on the calendar- fewer than 5% of moms actually deliver on their due date. So make sure to let everyone around you know that nothing is set in stone.

What you may be experiencing

There are a wide variety of emotions that you can feel at this time: anxiety, anticipation, nervousness, or terror. This range of emotions is normal, and now would be the time to discuss your feelings with your partner. Physically, you may be growing increasingly more uncomfortable and tired of being pregnant. The fear of labor may be overshadowed by your need to just be done with the pregnancy.

Your Baby

Your little one is gaining about an ounce a day, and is able to sustain a stable temperature outside of the womb now. They are now ready to enter the world and are simply waiting for the right time to make their grand entrance.

Concerns or Points of Interest

Have you packed your hospital bag yet? If not, you need to do so right away! Here are some of the most commonly packed items.

Camera and supplies. Don’t forget extra batteries, film, or memory cards. If you have a video camera, and taping is allowed go ahead and bring it, but try to pack a tripod as well. That way dad- can get involved in the action without missing a shot!

A few sets of clothes- this includes a nice going home outfit (that would fit you at about 5 months pregnant), plenty of socks, and a few nightgowns.

Snacks- a hungry partner will be of no use to you, so pack some snacks for those late nights.

Tylenol- many hospitals charge huge fees for such medications, so talk with your doctor about bringing your own.

Toiletries- hairbrush, makeup, toothbrush, etc. You want to look good for all those photos.

Things to entertain yourself- books, videos, cds, board games. Whatever you want to use if your labor ends up being long and uneventful.

Baby car seat- they won’t let your baby go home without it.

Diaper bag- with a few changes of clothes, including your take home outfit, diapers, etc.