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Week 5 of Pregnancy

Feeling pregnant yet? Once the shock of the positive pregnancy test wears off, many of the symptoms begin to set in. So if you are feeling tired or cranky, you are among friends. A pregnant mommy is a tired one!

What you may be experiencing

The miracle inside of you is still hiding from the outside world, but you may begin to feel the physical toll that pregnancy has on the body. Chances are you may be tired, despite a full nights sleep. It is said that a pregnant body is never at rest- it is as if you are mountain climbing while sitting on the couch watching television. Throw in frequent trips to the bathroom, and it is no wonder that you can’t keep your eyes open. Your metabolism and growing uterus are putting pressure on your bladder these days, so you can expect to spend more time in the bathroom for the next few months. Tender, swollen breasts are a common complaint during this time as well. This is more pronounced with women that experience breast changes with PMS. Consider sleeping in a sports bra to help relieve some of the discomfort.

Emotionally, the idea of pregnancy may be sinking in for you. Many women choose not to tell relatives or co-workers until the first trimester is over, due to a fear of miscarriage. The choice is up to you- so for a while this may have to remain your little secret.

Your Baby

This is a big week for your baby! No longer just a ball of cells, he/she will begin to take on many of the characteristics of a newborn. All of the organs that they will have at birth are being developed this week. The embryo is 1.5-2mm in length and has arm and leg buds beginning to develop. Many facial features such as the ears and eyes are also beginning to take shape. The neural tube, which will later be known as the spinal cord will fuse together this week. Perhaps one of the most exciting milestones- is the first few beats of your baby’s heart. The first early contractions begin this week, and soon they will form the rhythmic pattern that brings a tear to any parent’s eye.

Concerns or points of interest

It is important to keep working on your negative lifestyle choices. Caffeine addiction is one of the most common concerns during pregnancy, and can be one of the hardest to kick for moms-to-be. Instead of a morning coffee- try decaf with plenty of milk. If soda is your vice, consider switching to a caffeine free version for a few weeks. Ideally, milk, water and juice are better for your baby- so begin to gravitate towards these beverages when the mood hits you.

Studies show that an occasional caffeinated beverage is ok- but more than one a day is considered excessive and could cause problems for both you and baby. So try to kick the habit now.