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Week 6 of Pregnancy

As your pregnancy progresses, you may be introduced to a whole new set of symptoms and concerns. Usually by this time, many women may begin to experience the joys of morning sickness and fatigue. Don’t worry if you aren’t experiencing anything- just count yourself lucky!

What you may be experiencing

As your body grows and changes, you may begin to experience morning sickness. This could be due to an influx of hormones, or your expanding uterus. Whatever the cause, morning sickness can come and go at any time throughout the day, despite its name. It can range from mild nausea to full blown vomiting several times a day. At this point in your pregnancy, your baby needs no extra calories, so rest assured that your little one is none the worse for your upset stomach. You may be experiencing certain food aversions as well- particularly to foods and drinks that you shouldn’t consume while pregnant. So if a cup of Java now makes you queasy, remove it from your immediate area and choose another option. Luckily, most women say goodbye to morning sickness by the second trimester- though a select few may experience it throughout their entire pregnancy.

You may also be experiencing breast fullness and tenderness, which should begin to subside in the weeks ahead as well.

Your Baby

Your little one is growing bigger and stronger every day. He/she now measures about 3-5mm and is completely enclosed in an amniotic sack. The brain is continuing to form, and is now in three distinct sections. The heart is now beating regularly now, and blood circulation is evident. If you have the luxury of getting an ultrasound right now, you may be able to actually see the heartbeat. The placenta is also busy at work, but won’t completely take over for another 6 weeks or so.

Concerns or points of interest

If you are being plagued by morning sickness, there are some things that may help you ease your discomfort. If you still experience problems, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor if they recommend any other solutions to your stomach ailments.

B6- taking 50 mg of B6 twice a day may help calm your stomach a bit.

Eating small meals spaced throughout the day- some women experience problems when they eat 3 large meals a day. Instead try to eat 5-6 small meals a day to keep your stomach full at all times.

Ginger- ginger candy, lollipops, and ginger ale work for many women.

Crackers before rising- having something in your stomach before getting out of bed may work for some women. So have some crackers next to your bed for quick and easy snacking.

High carb diet- a diet high in carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, and rice may alleviate some problems.

High protein- other women find comfort in a diet high in protein like milk, cheese, and fish.