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Week in Review 7/16 – 7/20

This week, one of the blogs I wrote, Sometimes You Need to Stand up to Medical Professionals, tells the story of my labor and delivery of my son. What should have been a wonderful experience was marred by poor medical decisions. I hope by telling this story that if anyone who reads it needs to stand up to medical professionals, this will inspire them and give them courage.

I also covered another change that happened when I became a single parent. In Changes: Finances I covered the ways becoming a single parent was a shock to my finances, and how it changed them. From not being able to breast feed my son due to severe allergies and having to get him very expensive formula, to the expected such as diapers and clothes.

In another single parent vacations installment I gave an idea to use to greatly reduce all of your expenses while travelling. Single Parent Vacations: Vacationing at Home is not about vacationing in your home, but in your area. If you know someone else who could use a vacation as well, this is a good blog for ideas.

One of the best ways to find a flexible job is to make one yourself. To do this, you would need to have your own business. There are several ways to do this, and this article covers one of them. In Single Parent Flexible Work: Become a Consultant I talk about becoming a consultant for a company that is already in operation. I talk about the advantages of doing this, as well as some thing you will want to think about and know before you sign up.

Recently on the single parent forums, someone asked a question that I wanted to address. In What Should I Name my Child I cover her question. I give my reasons for why I chose Jonathan’s last name, my opinion on what she should do with her child’s name, and why some people still choose a different name than what others think it should be.