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Week in Review – Family Fun

What a great week we’ve had over in the Family Fun section. We’ve done laundry and washed our cars, emptied tissue boxes and torn paper off crayons. All of that may not sound like fun, but our bloggers made us laugh and enjoy our chores as we got both work and play done.

Kelly Trainor joined our team. She has a great sense of humor and a marvelous writing style. We know she’s going to add a lot of needed laughs to our days.

Kelly began our week with a touching story of her grandmother and a reminder of the value in crazy and spontaneous fun in Make Memories With Impromptu Fun. Jeff continued the craziness with his story of fixing up a big girl room and bed for his almost three year old daughter in part two of From Crib to Bed – A Toddler’s Fun Move to a Big Kid Bed!

In The Most Fun You Can Have With A Toddler For $1.29 Kelly showed how to entertain a toddler cheaply, and taught us that sometimes the simplist games are the best.

Lauri had some simple, inexpensive and fun party games in Planning a Valentine’s Party for School.

In Video Games Can Be Family Friendly Kelly shared how video games can actually be a family bonding experience. And in The Best Toy Investment We Ever Made she gives great ideas for enjoying Duplo blocks.

Jeff had us all singing at the breakfast table and all day in Sing, Sing, Sing. Lauri offered an easy art project that also teaches about texture and encourages exploration in Crayon Rubbings – Easy Art Project. From there we learned about a fun writing game based on the That’s Good That’s Bad Jokes.

Kelly got us laughing and left us wondering in Laundry: The Great Procreation Debate. In A Night of Taking My Own Advice Jeff shared with us a night where he put his blogs to good use.

Jeff finished up our week with a trip that combined chores and fun in At The Carwash.