Are you ready for the changing seasons?
Over at the Fun section we are looking forward to some fall related activities, but at the same time we are squeezing in a few last minute goodbye to summer plans, too.
We started off the week with Mastermind. It’s a simple to learn, hard to master game to get those brains geared up for school. Read about how to adapt the game for younger players or to make it even harder.
Tiny Origami Stars are a fun and simple craft. Consider them for prizes, secret messages, to make a mobile, or to decorate a package.
We introduced our readers to a favorite site, the Toymaker, loaded with charming toys and crafts to print.
It’s not to late to squeeze in a few more days of summer. For help with ideas and planning read Labor Day Weekend – Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall.
We ended the week with ideas for Trail Mix Fun. Make up your own recipes. Let the kids experiment with flavors. You may invent a family favorite recipe.
Enjoy your week, check back often as we transition to a cooler season.