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Week in Review – Family Fun

Here in Colorado, September is bringing cooler weather. I’m not at all ready for winter, but the cooler days feel great.

This week in the Fun section, we talked about One on One Time at the Grocery Store. It’s particularly hard for parents of twins to get one on one time with their children. Sometimes combining errands with that special focus on one child works great.

From there we headed into space with Google Earth and the Universe – Space Travel Fun. You can cruise through the stars, explore the planets, and even view and learn about distant galaxies. Check out the blog for ideas for using this program.

September is also National Literacy Month. In Reading is Fundamental (RIF) Reading Fun, we share a website with you that has fantastic ideas for getting children to read and for making reading fun!

If you are looking for a simple, mixed age, easy to bring along game, give Continuo a try.

We end the with a trip to an arcade with a jar of change in Fun at the Arcade. It’s fun to show the kids games from your own childhood.