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Week in Review for March 31 – April 6

Hello, and welcome to the Week in Review for March 31 – April 6. This is our way of catching you up on any blogs you may have missed in the past week! I know I for one am glad to be blogging and posting–back in the swing of things. I missed blogging while Families was in transition. It feels good to be back. 🙂

Here’s a review of the happenings on the Jobs blog–if you have any feedback or comments, feel free to either leave a comment below or get in touch with me at Hava L {at} Families dot com! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, March 31

Multitasking – A Time Saver? disputes an idea we all seem to have lodged in our brains: Multitasking is a good thing. Don’t worry, it’s lodged in mine too. And in some cases it can be–for more, check out Yes, Multitasking can be a Good Thing (in the Right Situation). I then compiled Two Top 10 Lists for Multitasking to help you figure out what tasks are appropriate to be done together (hint: Driving and putting on mascara are not two tasks that can appropriately be done together. No matter what you see on TV.)

Monday, April 2

Don’t Work too Hard – No one Notices Anyway confirms every federal employees worst fear: No one would notice if you keeled over dead at your desk. Leave Good Enough Alone talks about my worst fear: Accidentally deleting every important file on my computer (in this particular case, I deleted Quicken, and thus the last 3.5 years of financial data) and the only back up you can find is almost a year old (at least I had one though!) It was a day of upheaval: I also had to live through a changing of the guard here at Families. Check out more at Change is in the Air.

Tuesday, April 3

I didn’t blog at all on Tuesday because I was too busy trying to reconstruct Quicken. I would have been better off beating my head against a wall, but I did survive. I was back on Wednesday, just in time to write about…

Wednesday, April 4

Unhealthy Obsessions: Me and My Computer, where I revealed that if my computer isn’t on and connected to the Internet, there’s a pretty good chance that I’m either asleep or dead. And half the time that I am asleep, the computer is still on and connected to the Internet. I decided to make an important announcement: Jobs now has an RSS Feed! and it wasn’t until a few days later that I found out that Jobs has had an RSS feed for months. Nothing like announcing a year-old story at the top of your lungs. I then decided to revive an old topic, courthouse research, in my Dove-Tailing Jobs Together: Research and Mystery Shopping blog.

Thursday, April 5

Courthouse Research Companies: Wolfgang Research talks about one of three main courthouse research companies: Wolfgang, Sunlark, and AMD. The next blog starts an interview with Lark of Sunlark Research: Courthouse Research Companies: Sunlark Research, Part One, which then continued to Courthouse Research Companies: Sunlark Research, Part Two.

Friday, April 6

The Sunlark series into Friday with part three: Courthouse Research Companies: Sunlark Research, Part Three and part four: Courthouse Research Companies: Sunlark Research, Part Four. I finished the week off with Ahoy Captain – Spam Bots on the Horizon! a (hopefully) funny explanation of a not-so-funny topic: Spam bots that scour the Internet, looking for e-mail addresses.

Well, that’s it for this week–thanks for reading, and we’ll see you back here next week!