If you have sick children at home, here are some Sick Day Survival Games.
Reading the same books your children are reading provides a unique chance for discussion and connection. Take a quick look at Read What They Are Reading.
Try an old Scout camping recipe that makes easy doughnuts out of canned biscuits. Read the recipe and directions at Canned Biscuit Doughnuts.
Hot chocolate tastes good on cold mornings, too. Why not try cinnamon-vanilla or mocha raspberry, or experiment with other flavors. To find out how, see Flavored Hot Chocolate Fun. And as long as the kids are in the kitchen, let them make some TV treats. Find ideas and recipes at Easy Super Bowl Snacks Kids Can Make.
Making candles is a fun and easy project when you use beeswax sheets. They make great gifts, too. See Beeswax Candles – Easy Family Craft for directions.
Cranium Super Showdown is a unique and fun game that uses logic and imagination.
Check back next week for more ideas for winter time fun.