This week I shared about the Proverbs 31 woman and how we can strive to be like her, how people can open themselves to Satan’s realm by activities that involve mind submission, the parental role of a mother while she’s pregnant, and what it means to really turn your will over to God.
- A friend of mine recommended I write a blog on The Proverbs 31 Woman: The Virtuous Wife where I could share ways I have applied her example in my own life. It was a really neat activity to try and helped me to see where I could improve as a wife and mother. I really encourage other women to take this Bible passage and apply it to their life too.
- Whether done in unknowingly or with intention, there are doors that just shouldn’t be opened. There are many things people participate in not realizing they are and subjecting themselves to the influence of Satan and his demons. In my blog Demonic Doors I share three examples of ways this can happen (though there are many): abuse of illegal drugs, types of meditation that exclude Jesus, and hypnosis.
- There are countless debates regarding abortion. In my blog Abortion: A Pregnant Mom is Still a Mom, I wanted to point out how a pregnant woman really does begin her mothering role from the time of conception. Please check out this blog where I share my thoughts, some Biblical perspective and a few interesting statistics as well.
- In my blog God’s Will: On the Road of Life, I share about what it means to turn the wheel over to God and allow Him to drive. This blog was inspired by an excerpt my aunt read from her book. The final point I wanted to make in this particular blog was God does a better job at being God than I do in my life.