The countdown continues into week thirty eight. I am still keeping myself busy this week. Although not much seems to have changed, I feel like I am in a good place and ready for the baby to be born.
This week I officially finished all the siblings and parents Christmas gifts and they are all wrapped ready to go under the tree on Christmas Eve night. Since we really do not know when the baby is going to be born, our plan is just to have the families over at some point on Christmas day to give them gifts. We will be playing the Christmas holidays by ear this year… anything could happen!
This week has been plagued with a cold virus so my diet has shifted a bit to try to coax this bug out of my body. It seems to be a pretty stubborn virus so I have been trying to get more rest than normal. I have been drinking lots of tea and taking extra supplements like vitamin C and zinc. I just want it to go away!
Exercise this week has been good. Even with a cold, I have managed to get five days in this week, although I find my prenatal pilates a bit harder because of the concentration required and stopping to blow one’s nose is not really conducive for focus.
At my prenatal visit this week, things checked out well. Things look good for the birth. The baby is moving down in my pelvis. Although I have not lost my mucus plug (I did not notice losing it with my son so maybe mine comes out in tiny bits …), I am hoping things are shaping up for our daughter to be born soon. She continues to be quite active even though her space is getting smaller and smaller. I keep telling her that if there is not enough room in my uterus she is welcome to come out! We will see if she takes me up on my offer during week thirty nine.