It is kind of hard to believe that another week has come and gone. These last few weeks of pregnancy are going to fly by as well!
During my thirty fourth week of pregnancy I found renewed focus and energy. I have undertaken a lot of projects lately and really feel like I have gotten a lot of things done this week. I have continued to shop and wrap Christmas gifts and I only have a few more items to buy and wrap for my husband and son. Our daughter is getting a stocking. I could wrap all the clothes and other necessities I have bought for her in the past three or four months, but that seems kind of silly and a little too much work (having to wrap and unwrap everything!). Hopefully she will be born before Christmas but there is no way of knowing for sure! Also this week I began work on the crib bumper at which point I discovered that I do not have enough fabric! I am just hoping that I can get it done before she is born! I also put together most of the supplies needed for our daughter’s birth.
With week thirty four came the sudden need for a holiday scented home. I went to a local super store with the mission of finding and purchasing candles that smelled of Cinnamon, evergreen, and apples (really anything holiday inspired)!
As far as diet and exercise are concerned, I feel that I am continuing to maintain a healthy diet and limiting sweets. I am committed to my workout routine and only wish that I could also commit to an extra workout or two per week. Regardless, I feel like my core is strong and that my pregnancy aches and pains are being kept to a minimum thanks to my workouts!
Our unborn baby girl is still quite active with lots of hand and arm flutters and frequent kicks in my ribs. I can kind of identify limbs as she squirms and stretches which also suggest that she is still head down!