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Week Thirty One

The weeks are really starting to fly by now just as I knew they would (I am writing this at thirty three weeks!). Week thirty one had its ups and downs. Overall week thirty one of my pregnancy has been a week of adjustments.

Week thirty one began with a sense of urgency to get things back to “normal.” After being out of town for a week visiting my sister, I really struggled getting back into my routine. I found myself lacking the motivation to get my projects and tasks done. Normalcy was not to be had especially with my husband’s new job which necessitates sleeping later than we had before because he works quite late into the early morning hours. I find myself unable to go to sleep until he gets home. The good news is that I am still able to sleep quite well … as long as I know that my husband is safely home!

Getting my diet back on track was also a point of concern during week thirty one. I had to relearn how to say “no” to those tasty little treats that seem to be every where! In the course of the week I had some really focused days and some days of indulgence (I am praying that they balance out on the scale!).

I have found this week that I am almost dependent on my exercise routine. The aches and pains of pregnancy come and go more frequently now and working out really helps relieve some of the strain! I feel less “weighed down” while I am exercising!

At thirty one weeks our unborn daughter continues her high levels of activity. At times it feels like she is trying to stretch her way out of my ever growing belly! Thankfully she still seems to be head down!