The weeks are really starting to fly by now. With my twenty ninth week of pregnancy came a few changes some of which were expected while others were not. At the beginning of the week, I spent a lot of time preparing for the long drive to visit my sister, brother-in-law and four week old niece. My focused shifted from baby related projects to cleaning and packing. Seeing my new niece reminded me of the demands of an infant. I have gotten so use to my son’s independence and I am realizing that our daily routine will change significantly once the baby arrives. This is of course expected, but seeing my sister care for her newborn daughter and helping her (in small ways) has brought the reality of a newborn baby to the forefront of my mind. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to the shift in priorities once the baby comes!
This week I feel like my diet has suffered a bit due to travel and extra indulgences. I baked quite a bit this week and have tried to limit my consumption of these baked goodies, but I feel like I have not done as well as I would have liked. It is not really a matter of not eating healthy and well, it is more a matter of the addition of sweets to my normal whole foods diet.
Our baby continues to be extremely active. She seemed to react to her cousin when I was holding my niece who was kicked and nudged repeatedly by our unborn daughter. I wonder if the two of them can communicate some how. Either way, our baby girl has had her first encounter with her cousin. Hopefully this is the beginning of a life long friendship!
This week brought with it more on and off hip and pelvis discomfort. I suspect it is largely due to spending ten hours in a car driving without cruise. It is probably also due to the progression of pregnancy and the fact that my belly seemed to really pop this week. My belly looks huge! Any pregnancy discomfort, however, have not hindered my exercise routine and I actually went for several walks in addition to my dvd workouts (maybe that helped burn off some of the calories from the baked goods I consumed!).