Here we are at week twenty three. The weeks seem to be going by faster and faster now. It is almost astounding that so much can happen in one week and at the time so little.
This week I have noticed the baby’s activity increase ten fold. I can almost predict her times of activity and sleep. She is all over the place in my uterus these days twisting, flipping, hiccuping, kicking, elbowing etc. One particular day this week my son was sitting on my disappearing lap and had pressed his elbow into my belly, the baby responded with a very definite kick at his elbow and this happened three times! Needless to say she does not like her brother invading her space! All in all, I have found that her movement has a calming effect on me and I really enjoy just feeling her move.
While I have been maintaining my workout routine alternating between prenatal pilates and a dance cardio workout, it seems that my hips and pelvis have loosened even more. My hip and pelvis ache on and off more frequently now which could be attributed to my growing uterus and the increased amounts of relaxin in my body. I do not remember having this kind of discomfort at this stage in my first pregnancy, but it seems that the body prepares itself for childbirth much more quickly the second time around.
My biggest vice this week has been ice cream. I was doing a great job limiting it before but it seems to be getting harder especially after discovering a mint chip ice cream that is free of additives and tastes marvelous … perhaps this is my craving this week. Speaking of cravings, I cannot seem to get enough BLT’s with cheddar cheese! I think we have had BLT’s with cheddar cheese three or four time for dinner this week! I just cannot seem to help myself especially since we found a local farmer that produces the most amazing bacon without all the chemicals!