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Weeks 40-42 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 40th week- or maybe even more! So you have finally hit your due date, or maybe even seen it come and go. This can be a trying time for many moms. You circled your due date on the calendar, and made plans only to see that day come and go. It is tempting to show up at the doctor’s office screaming for an induction, but weigh your options carefully.

What you may be experiencing

It is important to note that most babies will come within 2 weeks of their due date- either before or after. So if you have seen your due date come and go, there isn’t that much reason for concern. Perhaps your original calculations were off, or the baby just needs a bit more time to prepare for its entrance.

If you discuss induction with your doctor, you should know that a typical induction requires more medical intervention and a longer hospital stay. There will be more monitors, needles, and tubes to support your delivery- and the chance for a c-section increase in inductions.

So, while it can be a stressful time, try to relax and let nature take its course. The baby won’t stay in there forever- we promise!

Your Baby

For 9 months, your little one has been cozy and content in its watery womb. All of its needs were met, and they had little to worry about. Life was all about growing and being comfortable. Now all of the sudden, reality hits them. The delivery room is likely bright and cold, and can be quite a shock to your newborns system. Suddenly they feel hungry, agitated, cold…you name it. While you may be overwhelmed with figuring out what your baby wants and needs, know that they are in the same boat. They don’t know what they want either at this point!

So relax. You have waited 9 months to meet your little miracle, so spend some time getting to know each other. In no time, you won’t be able to imagine a time when they weren’t in your life.

Good luck!