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Weight a Minute! The Benefits of Exercise

Well, my weight is still frozen at 258.0. Not an ounce beyond that has been lost by me. However, I’m pleased that I’m not gaining, and I’m also pleased that I’m creating within myself some healthy habits that will benefit me in the long run, even if the weight isn’t falling off as fast as I would like.

There are many benefits to exercise that go beyond the weight loss. To cheer myself up and to continue to propel myself forward, I thought I’d share some of them today.

1. When I exercise, it boosts my self-esteem. I feel good about what I’ve done, and I feel more confident. It gives me a sense of accomplishment, of knowing that one more time, I conquered the old me and took a step toward the new me.

2. I feel better. I’ve been prone to various sicknesses all my life, but since I started exercising, I haven’t been as sick. My overall energy is better, and I’m able to do simple daily tasks much easier. I can carry more groceries, I can climb more stairs, and I can walk into stores from parking lots without noticing any expenditure of energy. Moving from one spot to another is done effortlessly. I’m not even thinking about it any more.

3. Without sharing more information than you really want, my cycle has regulated itself.

4. I’m not as stiff and sore in the mornings when I get out of bed.

5. I have more of a “get up and go” approach to life. Before, I’d think about everything that needed to be done, and I’d sigh, wondering how I would get it all done. While the wondering still takes place, it’s now accompanied by more action. I’m getting more done and my attitude is better about it.

So, while I’m not shrinking as fast as I would like to, this whole exercise thing is paying off for me in ways I hadn’t anticipated. And, if I were to never lose another pound (pretend I didn’t just say that) I would still continue to exercise. I look forward to doing it. I like the way it feels. I like how I feel about myself. And isn’t that the most important part of this whole journey?

Tristi Pinkston is a full-time blogger in LDS and Media Reviews. Click here to read her blogs.

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