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Weight a Minute! – The Power of Protein

Current Weight: 258.8 (Total weight loss: 15.2 pounds)

I haven’t been contributing to the weight loss blog lately because, to be honest, I didn’t feel I had a lot to say. Sure, I know how to talk the talk, but I haven’t known how to walk the walk – how to make that jump between knowing and doing. My lack of confidence was compounded by the fact that since I injured my foot, exercise had become a thing of the past for me.

I solved the exercise problem by heading to our local gym, where my husband gets a discounted membership through work. The recumbent bikes they have there are perfect for my foot. I can position the pedal across the arch of the foot, below the part that hurts, and pedal away without putting weight on the injury. Feeling good and loving life, I went every day two weeks ago, only to find that I was starving to death hungry from all the exercise.

But then Lisa Pietsch pointed out to me that an increase in protein would help me not feel so hungry. She also told me that when you exercise and are also cutting back on your food intake, if you’re not careful, your body will take protein from your muscles, essentially feeding off itself. This creates weakness and feelings of hunger. She recommended the EAS protein powder as a supplement.

For this last week, I’ve been drinking the protein powder mixed in skim milk, and also eating one protein bar from MLO, both purchased at Walmart. I’m a lot less hungry, I feel stronger, and, I’m delighted to say, I’ve lost three pounds this week. (Go, me!) Now, I’m not saying that these products are the very best on the market; I’m just telling you what I’ve been using. Every person’s body is going to react differently to different products.

I’m realizing that I haven’t had enough protein for most of my life. Looking back on meals that were served and then foods I chose for myself, I haven’t made protein a priority like I should have. It’s recommended that for ideal weight loss/sports performance, you have one gram of protein per day per pound you weigh. Wow – that would be 259 grams for me, and who knows if I’ll ever work up to that. But the powder and the bar are giving me 80 grams, and then with the meat, dairy and nuts I’m now more careful to consume, I’m getting about 100 grams per day, less than half the recommendation, but more than I’ve ever had in my life. I’m now understanding why I’ve felt weak and sick so much.

Now I can hardly wait to see how much I lose this week. I’m up to 24 minutes per session on the recumbent bike, burning 110 calories at a time. They say you have to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound, but the great thing is, the more you exercise and the more you build your muscles, the more those muscles will burn fat for you. (Isn’t that nice?) This project is going from drudgery to an adventure, and I’m really excited about it.

Related Blogs:

Weight a Minute! — Tristi’s Story

Weight a Minute! — The Week That Wasn’t

Weight a Minute! — Lookin’ for Love in All the Wrong Places