You are dating and currently dieting as well. Should you tell him or her? If it is a first date then I do not think that you have to go into details. You should eat, but choose something like a decent salad. Do not sit and move your food around on the plate and pick at it. Nobody likes to eat alone. Your date will probably be uncomfortable and feel like he or she should not be eating either. They will also feel like, “Why did we go out to eat?” It is slightly annoying.
If it has been several dates or you are in a serious dating relationship then your partner will know that you are dieting. Do not try to hide it because your partner will think that something else is wrong. Again, a salad is a good choice or you might want to just eat whatever you like and forego the diet for the night. It will not hurt you to occasionally do this. If is a special occasion then definitely do not worry about what you are eating, within reason of course. You do not want to appear like Orca the killer whale and eat everything in sight. That is kind of a turn-off. However, you do not want to choose a salad, as your date most likely will have planned this as a special night out for the two of you. Above all else, in either situation, do not sit there and obsess over calories or talk about dieting the entire evening either. This will put a damper on things.
If you truly do not want to go off your diet, not even for one night, then eat lightly, but again, do not obsess or have any dieting discussions, as this will be a downer for anyone that is sitting with you.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health